IPBD was awarded the contract for the cleaning and maintenance services at the Republican Palace and the Central Criminal Court of Iraq soon after arriving in Baghdad in March 2003.
The company’s first task was to refurbish, repair, commission and prepare for occupation the massive Presidential Palace complex.
The Palace had to be made ready as accommodation and a work place for some 3000 military and civilian personnel who were arriving daily. IPBD had to ensure the functionality of all the services 24/7, plus installing new toilet and bathroom facilities on a continuous basis.
We replaced over 6000 square meters of window glass, repaired or replaced over 2000 doors, refurbished the complete sewerage system, added hundreds of toilets, installed over 10,000 meters of high voltage cables, installed over 1000 air-conditioning units, rebuilt bombed and damaged sections of the Palace, installed steel gates and fences, and manufactured and positioned the first 4m high reinforced concrete barriers to protect the Palace.
IPBD also overhauled the water pumping station that serviced the Palace complex. This included the creation and operation of a complete waste management and disposal system and the transportation of the solid waste to dump several kilometers beyond the Palace grounds.
IPBD managed this multi million dollar project under the severest security restrictions and the huge difficulties it faced in procuring materials locally.
The company also successfully completed several other construction projects in the early years after the change of regime.